
Privacy: All information received from internet or telephone orders, telephone conversations, and our contact forms are confidential. We do not share or sell any information. It is that simple – we are only here to provide what you have requested.

Shipping and Shipping Charges: Your order will be shipped upon receipt. The order will be sent USPS Priority Mail and should reach you in 3-4 days. Shipping charges are an estimate and will be calculated at the time the order is shipped.

Handling Charge: In addition to US Mail shipping charges there is a $3.00 handling charge added to each order.

Use of Web Site Information: Except as otherwise indicated on this site, you may view, print, copy, and distribute documents on this site subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. The document may be used solely for informational, personal, non-commercial purposes;
  2. Any copy of the document or portion thereof must include all copyright and proprietary notices in the same form and manner as on the original;
  3. The document may not be modified in any way; and
  4. Alt Med Services reserves the right to revoke such authorization at any time, and any such use shall be discontinued immediately upon notice from Alt Med Services.
  5. Documents specified above do not include the layout or design of this web site. Elements of this site are protected by trade dress or other laws and may not be imitated or reproduced in whole or in part.
  6. Documents specified above do not include logos, graphics, sounds or images on this web site, which may be reproduced or distributed only when expressly permitted by Alt Med Services

Third-party Web Sites and Services
Alt Med Services web site provides links to third-party web sites. Alt Med Services makes no representations about third-party web sites and is not responsible for the reliability of any data, opinions, advice, or statements made on third-party sites. The inclusion of such links does not imply that Alt Med Services endorses, recommends, or accepts any responsibility for the content or services offered on such sites.